Tuesday, September 29, 2009


In southern England, roughly 20minutes from where i used to live, a town called Dorking had a house, which for some reason was made out of lego?!
but according to the daily feed, either someone had to pay for the lego house to be moved to a different site, or it would just get taken apart.
No-one had the money to pay for it to get moved, and even if they did, no-one stepped up to it. so its currently getting take apart :(
Lego house build Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, September 24, 2009


So im watching the daily feed, from monday the 21st..
News today... :) ..
Mr Kirby, a comic artist, is planning to sue so he can reclaim some of marvels comment. he sent out 45 notices of copyright termination to marvel disney paramount fox and others. Kirby died in 1994, but he created characters such as; thore, iron man, captin america, the fantastic four and x-men.

soooo alot going on for him huh:)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My bestfriend agaiiin! :)

Okaaaaay so as you may have noticed by the previous blog i did on this girl, she is super dooper amazing (:
Erm well your sitting right next to me talking to emma about how the blogs need something media related in them, so, ahaha.
Mel's video's she sends to me are media related because i say so(: hahah just kidding. But, i think its prettyy cool that i can seee her, and talk to her through just a teenyyy tiny camera :)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Okay, so im not sure if it counts, but i just watched a load of video's, my best friend Melissa, from england sent me. Aw i miss her so much:)
But yeah.. she told me all about whats going on at My old school, in england.. So yeah(: sounds like shes having a good timee...I miss you mel :)


Friday, September 11, 2009

cobra starshiippppp

This podcast im watching is an interview with the band Cobra Starship; one of my favorite's!
The lead singer of the band, gives us a closer look and whats in store for their new single. The band decided to do a 'thriller' themed music video 'Just without the zombies', as another member of the band said. ... Are Cobra Starship going Michael Jackson on us?
Apart from the fact, this fairly new to the charts band, decided to do their thriller themed video, in a subway? No, not the sandwich place! But underground!
watching these clips of the making of the video, i notice a fair few of Michael Jacksons moves :)
Niceeeeee oneeeee.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Problems with the new ipods?

Yesterday was Apple's annual ipod event, The new iPod's, with built in camera's, both video and picture, were meant to be released this week; but due to technical failures, the release has had to be delayed. This new feature, gives users the ability to use their ipod, not just for Photo albums, music, podcasts, etc etc, but it now lets them take their own video's, and their own pictures straight from the ipod itself! with the built in microphone, you can also get HD video sound, and HD audio recordings!
Talk about the perfect christmas present :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The daily feed with Kristin Adams.

I watched the daily feed with Kristin Adams, an episode from 09.01.09.
The main topics of the podcast is the recent events of 'whats going on'. Kristin talks, and gives us details on stories, such as Walt Disney buying, and taking over Marvel comics...
Who knows what Disney will do with Marvel...?

Next up, Kristin moves onto the topic of how the famous, and well known TV show 'heros' is the most illegally downloaded show off the internet. Apparently, over 55million people have illegally viewed the pirated version of the serious, on thee internet. Following Heros, is the TV show Lost, which is nearly as popular as heros.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My first blog.

So i just joined this class; and honestly, I have no idea what im doing; i managed to subscribe to some Podcasts on itunes, so that should be interesting. I'll get back to this..

Okay, so my second class..I watched a few of the podcast's i downloaded, which included music, film and TV. I haven't yet watched them all. But i'll look forward to it.