Wednesday, January 20, 2010

dear john!

So, the director of my FAVORITE movie 'The Notebook', has recently just finished making a new movie, coming out on february 5th.
The movie is basically about a young man (Channing Tatum), who comes back to his home-town, on leave from the army, and within the two weeks he's there, he falls for young girl, (Amanda Seyfreid). They spend the summer together, until he has to leave.
It's a love story, which looks amazing! i cannot wait to see it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


England has reached a record breaking -17degree's'C .. Which is 1.3degree's farenhite. 1.3!!!
The whole british isles is paper white, not a speck of green. The UK has NEVER had this much snow, not in the last 25years anyways!
The amount of snow and ice are causing problems all over. School's are closed, and many people have no way to get to work and what not.
It's been a couple weeks since it begun, and doesn't look like it's gonna end anytime soon =/

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dakota fanning for best actress?

Dakota Fanning, young well known actress, who recently did the voice of Coraline, in the movie "Coraline" has been nominated for best actress.. But why would someone who just did a voice over for an animated movie, get an award for best actress? ALOT of debate has been going on over this very subject, and now, talk on a separate category being created just for voice overs is being discussed. I think thats fair enough!