Friday, March 5, 2010

Toyota gone bust?!

The well known car company, Toyota, is on its way to going out of the biizzzzz. After examining 12,700 complaint records from the last decade, Toyota finally admit's that their car's are un safe.
It's mostly to do with Acceleration. A young woman told her story about how it was a normal day, driving through the streets, going to work at she said was aprox. about 40mph, then all of a sudden, without doing anything, the car accelerated to 120mph, and the breaks stopped working. This was on a street aswell!
LUCKILY, the car slowed itself down, but imagine how scary this was, even with taking her foot off the accelortater, it just happened.
This has happeneed to over 10,000 people, And owner of toyota finally admits that its a probled.. NO WAY!

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